Ambrose of Milan (ca. 333-397)

There are two primary works of Ambrose on the Psalms: a series of twelve commentaries on Psalms LXX 1, 35-40 (MT 36-41), 43 (44), 45 (46), 47-48 (48-49), and 61 (62); and a long exposition of Psalm 118 (119).  Each has a critical edition beyond Migne, and each has been translated into English.

Critical Editions

On the twelve psalms:
  • Migne's critical edition: PL 14:963-1238.
  • Ambrose.  Explanatio psalmorum xii.  In Sancti Ambrosii opera.  Edited by Michael Petschenig.  CSEL 64.  Vienna, Austria: Tempsky; Leipzig, Germany: Freyag, 1919.  [Cetedoc 0140]
  • Most recently: a second edition (edition altera supplementis aucta.) has also appeared: Vindobonae: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1999.
On Ps 118 (119)
  • Migne's critical edition available in PL 15:1197-1526.
  • Ambrose.  Expositio in Psalmum cxviii.  In Sancti Ambrosii opera.  Edited by Michael Petschenig.  CSEL 62.  Vindobonae: F. Tempsky; Leipzig, Germany: Freytag, 1918.
  • A second edition (edition altera supplementis aucta.) has also appeared: Vindobonae : Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1999.
 Modern English Translations

Ambrose.  Commentary of Saint Ambrose on Twelve Psalms.  Translated by Íde M. Ní Ríain.  Dublin: Halcyon Press, 2000.  ISBN: 9781902232201.

Ambrose.  Homilies of Saint Ambrose on Psalm 118 (119).  Translated by Íde M. Ní Ríain.  Dublin: Halcyon Press, 1998.  ISBN: 9781902232041.

Two other works by Ambrose which are related to the Psalms by having David as their subject, the Prayer of Job and David and The Apology of David.  The former has been translated into English, and the latter in French.

Critical Editions

Ambrose.  "De interpellatione Iob et David."  In Sancti Ambrosii opera.  Edited by C. Schenkl.  CSEL 32: 211-296. Prague: Tempsky; Vindobonae: Tempsky; Lipzig: Freytag, 1937. Note: Previous critical edition available in PL 14:835-890.

Ambrose.  "Apologia prophetae David."  In Sancti Ambrosii opera.  Edited by C. Schenkl.  CSEL 32: 299-355. Prague: Tempsky; Vindobonae: Tempsky; Lipzig: Freytag, 1937.  Note: Previous critical edition available in PL 14:891-926.

Modern Translations

Ambrose.  "The Prayer of Job and David." In Seven Exegetical Works.  Translated (English) by Michael P. McHugh.  Fathers of the Church 65:329-420.  Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1972.

Ambrose. "Apologia David." In Ambroise de Milan. Apologie de David.  Edited by P. Hadot.  French translation by M. Cordier.  SC 239.  Paris: Cerf, 1977.

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