Clement of Alexandria

 Clement did not write a commentary on the Psalms, but made ample use of the Psalms throughout his other works. Below is a compiled list of psalm references in his works. This came out of dissertation research on the use of the Psalms in the early church. I cannot claim it is exhaustive, but it's likely pretty close to being exhaustive. The notes are geared towards how Clement referred to psalm authorship and understood the speaker in the Psalms.

References to the Psalms in Clement of Alexandria

Exhortation to the Heathen

·         I (378) – Ps 96:1 – reference to the ‘new, Levitical song’

·         I – Ps 110:3 – the song of salvation is not new, but has been around

·         IV (412) – Ps 116:5; 33:6; 8:3 – texts speaking of idols and of God’s creation

·         VIII (426) – Ps 2:10-12; 4:2

o   “According to that blessed psalmist David” (2:10-12)

o   “But already the Lord, in His surpassing pity, has inspired the song of salvation, sounding like a battle march” (4:2) – the ‘vanity’ of the verse is answered with Romans 1 and identified as idolatry

·         IX (428) – Ps 110:3 (quoted for its statement about Christ); 95:8-9; 95:9-11; 95:7

o   “If you wish to learn, the Holy Spirit will show you” (Ps 95:9-11)

o   No mention of David

·         IX (429) – Ps 34:8, 11 – as words of Scripture, no real help.

·         X (437) – Ps 24:1 – theological statement, no help.

·         X (438) – Ps 58:4-5 – theological statement, no help.

·         X (439) – Ps 58:4-5; 72:9; 62:8; 70:4 – theological affirmations, no help

·         XI (443) – Ps 19:10 (no help); 22:22

o   Ps 22 as the Word “has been promised to the Father” = the Word vowing to the Father = the Word as the ‘I’

·         XII (449) – Ps 82:6

o   The grace of “having become righteous and holy and wise by Jesus Christ” is “indicated by the prophet, when he says”


The Instructor

Book I

·         I (452) – Ps 73:1 – “singing with the hymning prophecy”

·         II (455) – Ps 86:2-3 – no help; theological reflection

·         V (460) – Ps 113:1

o   “Prophecy also agrees with it.  David accordingly says”

·         V (462) – Ps 5:6

o   “For instance, by David, He [the Lord] says of the devil”

·         VI (466) – Ps 82:6 – unclear, likely the Father speaking, but maybe Christ

·         VI (478) – Ps 19:10 – referred to as ‘prophecy’, but of no real help

·         VII (484) – Ps 118:18; 2:9; 110:2; 23:4

o   Ps 118:18 quoted as “by David”

o   Ps 2:9 quoted as “by the same prophet He says”

o   Ps 110:2 quoted as “He says by another prophet”

o   Ps 23:4 quoted as “said someone else”

o   Even though these quotations are said to be by other people, is this a rhetorical device or actual statements about authorship?

·         VIII (485) – Ps 103:14

o   “The prophet prays in these words” = the words of the prophet

·         VIII (490) – Ps 8:4; 2:4; 11:5; 103:19

o   “For the Holy Spirit has sung”

·         IX (494) – Ps 141:5 – theological statement, no help

·         IX (495) – Ps 18:43-45

o   “Accusation is censure of wrong-doers.  This mode of instruction He employs by David, when He says”

·         IX (498) – Ps 78:8, 10, 32-35, 38; Ps 89:14

o   Ps 78 as “David also says of them” and “He therefore tells by David the most manifest cause of the threatening”

o   Ps 89 as “Wherefore David—that is, the Spirit by him—embracing them both, sings of God Himself”

·         X (500) – Ps 1:1-2; 48:8

o   Ps 1:1-2 as “And He [the Instructor] counsels what is salutary: for counsel has for its end, choosing or refusing a certain course; as He does by David, when He says”

o   Ps 48:8 as “Such was that which David said when he prophesied”

·         X (501) – Ps 1:1-4

o   “He saith by David”

o   “By showing the punishment of sinners, and their easy dispersion, and carrying off by the wind, the Instructor dissuades from crime by means of punishment; and by holding up the merited penalty, shows the benignity of His beneficence in the most skillful way, in order that we may possess and enjoy its blessings.”

·         XIII (507) – Ps 49:12, 20 – no help.

Book II

·         IV (532) – Ps 150:3, 5

o   “The Spirit, distinguishing from such revelry the divine service, sings”

o   Offers an allegorical reading of the psalm

§  The sound of the trumpet raises the dead

§  The tongue is the psaltery of the Lord

§  The lyre is the mouth struck by the Spirit

§  Timbrel/dance refers to the Church meditating on the resurrection of the dead in the resounding skin

§  Chords and organ = our body, its nerves are the strings, when struck by the Spirit it gives forth human voices

§  Cymbal = the tongue is the cymbal of the mouth

·         IV (533) – Ps 33:1-3

o   “says the prophecy”

·         IV (534) – Ps 149:1-4 – no real help; theologizing on music tones

·         VIII (543) – Ps 19:4; 132

o   Both verses refer to the apostles

o   “And if I seem not to insist too much, the feet of the Lord which were anointed are the apostles, having, according to prophecy, received the fragrant unction of the Holy Spirit.  Those, therefore, who travelled over the world and preached the Gospel, are figuratively called the feet of the Lord, of whom also the Holy Spirit foretells in the psalm.”

·         VIII (545) – Ps 45:7-8

o   “Wherefore also the Lord Himself [Christ] is anointed with an ointment, as is mentioned by David.”

·         XI (568) – Ps 104:2

o   “In such another robe the Spirit arrayed the Lord through David, when he sang thus”

 Book III

·         III (590) – Ps 133:2 – no help

·         VI (597) – Ps 112:9 – no help

·         XI (611) – Ps 133:2 – “Thus the Psalmist, delighted with the hair of the beard, says”

·         XI (618) – Ps 1:1 – no help

·         XII (623) – Ps 34:15-16 – no help

·         XII (624) – Ps 1:6 – no help

·         XII (626) – Ps 51:17 – no help


The Stromata (Miscellanies)

Book I

·         I (643) – Ps 51:7-12

o   Introduced as “And let each of these, according to the blessed David, sing, giving thanks.”

o   The expectation is that Christians would sing this when they assemble; so, they are able to take up Ps 51:7-12 as their own

·         VII (660) – Ps 118:19, 20 – no help

·         X (666) – Ps 48:10, 11 – no help

·         XXVII (726) – Ps 118:18 – “for the prophet had said before” – good for describing the author of the psalm, no help in persona.

 Book II

·         VII (756) – Ps 111:10 – no help; theological

·         XIII (771) – Ps 103:13; 126:5; 128:1; 49:16, 17; 5:7, 8 – “David writes”; but just theological truths

·         XIV (772) – Ps 7:9 – no help; theological statement

·         XV (774) – Ps 32:1-2 – no help

·         XV (774-775) – Ps 1

o   “David, too, and Moses before David, show the knowledge of the three precepts in the following word”

o   Counsel of ungodly = “as the fishes go down to the depths of darkness; for those which have not scales, which Moses prohibits touching, feed at the bottom of the sea”

o   Way of sinners = “as those who, while appearing to fear the Lord, commit sin, like the sow, for when hungry it cries, and when full knows not its owner”

o   Chair of pestilence = “As birds ready for prey.  And Moses enjoined not to eat the sow, nor the eagle, nor the hawk, nor the raven, nor any fish without scales”

o   Alternatively

§  Counsel of ungodly = the heathen

§  Way of sinners = Jewish persuasion

§  Chair of pestilences = heresies

o   Alternatively

§  First blessing = “Assigned to those who had not followed wicked sentiments which revolt from God”
Second blessing = “Those who do not remain in the wide and broad road, whether they be those who have been brought up in the law, or Gentiles who have repented”

§  Chair of pestilences = “the theatres and tribunals, or rather the compliance with wicked and deadly powers, and complicity with their deeds”

·         XV (776) – Ps 108:8; 111:4 – no help

·         XIX (790) – Ps 112:9 – no help

·         XX (798) – Ps 82:1, 6 – no help

 Book III (untranslated, unfortunately)

·         IV (823) – Ps 118:9

·         VI (831) – Ps 111:9

·         XII (844) – Ps 6:8

·         XVI (848) – Ps 50:7

·         XVII (849) – Ps 48:13, 21

 Book IV

·         III (865) – Ps 8:5 – no help

·         V (874) – Ps 37:35-37; 62:4; 12:3-5 – no help

·         XI (893) – Ps 118:6 – no help

·         XVII (905) – Ps 89:21; 51:1-4

o   Ps 89 quoted as God’s choice of David

o   Ps 51 quoted, however, as David’s prayer of confession even though his heart was after God’s

·         XVII (906) – Ps 51:6; 34:12-17; 32:10

o   All quoted as the Lord speaking

·         XVIII (908) – Ps 50:14-15; 51:17

o   “Love permits not to sin; but if it fall into any such case, by reason of interference of the adversary, in imitation of David, it will sing”

·         XVIII (910) – Ps 1:3 – no help

·         XXII (918) – Ps 139:7-10; 62:12; 2:8

o   Ps 139 and 62 are no help

o   Of 2:8 he says, “Now, in the person of God it is said to the Lord…teaching Him to ask a truly regal request—that is, the salvation of men without price, that we may inherit and possess the Lord.”

·         XXIII (924) – Ps 82:6 – no help; about Gnosticism

·         XXIV (925) – Ps 50:21; Ps 1:4 – no help; theological

·         XXVI (929) – Ps 39:12 – no help

 Book V

·         I (943) – Ps 22:26 – “For it is written in David”; no help for persona, but a reference to the book of Psalms as “David”

·         IV (951) – Ps 78:1-2 – “Expressly then respecting all our Scripture, as if spoken in a parable, it is written in the Psalms”

·         V (954) – Ps 1:1 – no help; just about the Two Ways

·         VIII (965) – Ps 18:25, 26 – no help

·         X (970) – Ps 51:6; Ps 19:2, 3 (no help)

o   On Ps 51:6, “Similarly David sings”

·         X (971) – Ps 34:8 – misreading ‘good’ for ‘Christ; no real help in any case

·         XI (976) – Ps 50:13

o   Not clear on the speaker of Ps 50:13 [likely the prophet?], but also brings up Ps 51, “and what the Holy Spirit by the prophet in the sequel forbids”

·         XII (979) – Ps 78:2

o   Understood as a prophecy about Christ, how he would speak in miracles; so the speaking ‘I’ of the psalm is Christ

o   “For prophecy says of Him”

·         XIII (982) – Ps 2:12 – no real help

·         XIV (984) – Ps 36:5; 104:4 – of no real help

·         XIV (991) – Ps 3:5

o   “Was not this announced, oracularly, of the Savior, by the Spirit, saying by David” = Ps 3:5

o   “For He not only figuratively calls the resurrection of Christ rising from sleep; but to the descent of the Lord into flesh he also applies the figurative sleep.”

·         XIV (999) – Ps 4:5 – says that Menander paraphrases ‘Scripture’ in a poem

·         XIV (1006) – Ps 68:8 – says that Aeschylus paraphrases the psalm

 Book VI

·         I (1018) – Ps 122:5, 9 – “says David”

·         III (1037) – Ps 84:1 – no help

·         VI (1047) – Ps 16:9-11; 9:15, 9, 11

o   Of Ps 16:9-11, “Again, David expressly (or rather the Lord in the person of the sain, and the same from the foundation of the world is each one who at different periods is saved, and shall be saved by faith) says”

o   Of Ps 9, “And David says” – theological things.

·         VI (1048) – Ps 11:7, 6 – no help; theological statements

·         VII (1050) – Ps 102:9 – “…not understanding what was spoken by David by way of confession”

·         VII (1051) – Ps 12:6 – no help

·         VIII (1053) – Ps 119:125, 66; 147:20 (no help); 118:19-20 (no help)

o   Of Ps 119, “And does not David…write” = David as speaker

·         VIII (1054) – Ps 29:3 (no help); 9:17

o   Of 9:7, “And already clearly David, bearing testimony to the truth, sings”

·         X (1061) – Ps 112:6, 7 – “Now David cried” – theological statements

·         X (1062) – Ps 105:3, 4 – “according to the prophet”

·         XI (1066) – Ps 45:9, 14 – “Such David describes the Church”

·         XII (1069) – Ps 17:3-4 – no help

·         XIV (1076) – Ps 15:1 – “according to David”

·         XIV (1079) – Ps 50:21 – quoting as from the sovereign God

·         XV (1080) – Ps 45:4; 18:11, 12

o   Of Ps 45, “writes David”

o   Of Ps 18, “To the point David writes”

·         XVI (1092) – Ps 19:1 – no help

·         XVI (1094) – Ps 90:9, 10; 118:24

o   Of Ps 90, “And the blessed David delivers clearly to those who know the mystic account of seven and eight, praising thus” = note: not Moses, but David

o   Of 118:24, “As David says”

·         XVII (1099) – Ps 133:2 – no help

·         XVII (1102) – Ps 24:1 – no help

 Book VII

·         I (1112) – Ps 119:2 – no help

·         III (1119) – Ps 51:17, 19 – no help

·         VII (1134) – Ps 119:164, 66

o   On 119, “…is evidently presented by the prophet when he says”

·         VII (1138) – Ps 141:2 – no help

·         X (1147) – Ps 24:3-6

o   “The first mode of the Lord’s operation mentioned by us is an exhibition of the recompense resulting from piety.  Of the very great number of testimonies that there are, I shall adduce one, thus summarily expressed by the prophet David”

·         XII (1160) – Ps 19:9 – no help

·         XIII (1162) – Ps 34:11 – seems to think it is the voice of the Savior

·         XIII (1163) – Ps 48:12 – no help

·         XVIII (1181) – Ps 1:4 – no help


Fragment on the Prodigal Son

·         (1230) Ps 45:5; Ps 65:4 – of no help

·         (1231) Ps 32:1 – of no help


Salvation of the Rich Man (nothing)


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