Daniel of Salah

From Roger-Pearse, "[A] West Syriac author who flourished in the middle of the 6th century. He is known to us as the author of an extensive and important commentary on the Psalms."

Critical Editions

Daniel of Salah.  Magna exposition super Psalmos; the Great Psalter Commentary of Daniel of Salah.  Edited by David G. K. Taylor.  CSCO.   Forthcoming in 6 vols.

Daniel of Salah.  Commentary on the Psalms.  Translated by ______.  Bar Ebroyo Kloster Publications 51.  Gorgias Press, 2004/2011.

From the Gorgias website: In the aftermath of the Chalcedonian christological controversey, several writers helped shape the exegetical and theological tradition of the burgeoning miaphysite branch of Syriac Christianity. One of these writers was Daniel of Salah. Previous to Daniel’s work, the standard commentary on the Psalms in the Syriac tradition was the translation of Theodore of Mopsuestia's Greek commentary, but because Theodore’s works were used in the formation of dyophysite christology, it became necessary to produce an exegetical work on the Psalms from the miaphysite position. The present volume presents the Syriac text of Daniel of Salah’s commentary in vocalized Serto script in dual columns. Citations from the Psalms that Daniel provides and then discusses are set off from the rest of the text in bold and italic font.

Secondary Sources

Cowe, S. Peter, ''Daniel of Salah as Commentator on the Psalter'', Studia Patristica 20 (1989): 152-159.
Diettrich, Gustav Ernst Samuel, ed. Eine jakobitische Einleitung in den Psalter in Verbindung mit zwei Homilien aus dem grossen Psalmenkommentar des Daniel von Salah. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 5. Giessen: J. Ricker (A. Töpelmann), 1901.

Lazarus, Ludwig, ''Ueber einen Psalmencommentar aus der ersten Hälfte des VI. Jahrhunderts p. Chr.'', Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 9 (1895): 85-108, 181-224.

Ryan, Stephen Desmond, ''Studies in Bar Salibi’s Commentary on the Psalms''. Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University, 2001.

Sunderland, Anne, ''Daniel of Salah: A Sixth Century West Syrian Interpreter of the Psalms'', Byzantinische Forschungen 24 (1997): 51-61.

Taylor, David G.K., ''The Manuscript Tradition of Daniel of Salah’s Psalm Commentary'', Pages 61-69 in Symposium Syriacum VII: Uppsala University, Department of Asian and African Languages, 11–14 August 1996. Edited by Lavenant, René. Orientalia Christiana Analecta 256. Roma: Pontificio Istituto Orientale, 1998.

Taylor, David G.K., ''The Great Psalm Commentary of Daniel of Salah'', The Harp 11-12 (1998-1999): 33-42.

Taylor, David G.K., ''The Christology of the Syriac Psalm Commentary (AD 541/2) of Daniel of Salah and the ‘Phantasiast’ Controversy'', Studia Patristica 35 (2001): 508-515.

Taylor, David G.K., ''The Psalm Commentary of Daniel of Salah and the Formation of Sixth-Century Syrian Orthodox Identity'', Church History and Religious Culture 89:1-3 (2009): 65-92.

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