Hesychius of Jerusalem (ca. 400s)

Critical Editions

Hesychius of Jerusalem.  "Fragmenta in Psalmos." In Opera omnia.  PG 93, cols. 1179-1340.  Edited by J.-P. Migne.  Paris: Migne, 1860.

Instead of Athanasius, Hesychius is now attributed with the work in PG 27: 649-1344, entitled De titulis Psalmorum.

Instead of John Chrysostom, Hesychius is now attributed with the work in PG 55:711-784, Commentarius in Psalmos 77-99.

Modern Translations

This appears untranslated.

1 comment:

  1. Greetings! Just ran across this -- a translation of the prologue to Hesychios's Commentary on the Psalms ...
    Crostini, B., & Fincati, M. (2016). Hesychios of Jerusalem’s Prologue to the Psalms Revisited in the Light of Vat. gr. 752 and its Illustrative Programme. In B. Crostini, & G. Peers (Eds.), A Book of Psalms from Eleventh Century Byzantium: the Complex of Texts and Images in Vat. gr. 752. (pp. 329-382)
