There is a long history with the works listed below which
have now been attributed to Asterius the Homilist by Wolfram Kinzig. Throughout history the 31 homilies on Psalms
1-15 and 18 were attributed to John Chrysostom.
However, the work of Richard and Skard (cf. below) helped to
differentiate the material and attribute it to Asterius the Sophist. The jury
still wasn't out on whether or not these homilies could have actually belonged
to the Asterius of the Arian controversies.
Jean-Baptiste Cotelier argued that they belonged to Asterius of Amaseia,
but Kinzig seems to have won the day in designating them as belonging to an
"Asterius the Homilist" who would have written the homilies in the
late 300s or early 400s. The only translation into a modern language is Kinzig's German translation.
Critical Editions
Asterius the Homilist.
Asterii Sophistae commentariorum in psalmos quae supersunt. Symbolae Osloenses, fasc. suppl. 16. Edited
by M. Richard. Oslo: Brøgger,
1956: 3-245. [TLG 2061.001]
Modern Translations
Asterius the Sophist. Psalmenhomilien. Translated (German) by Wolfram Kinzig. Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 2002.
Marcel. "Les Homélies d'Astérius
sur les Psaumes 4-7." Revue Biblique44 (1935): 548-558.
Skard, Eiliv. "Asterios von Amaseia und Asterios
der Sophist." Symbolae Osloenses 20 (1940): 86-132.
Richard, Marcel. "Une Ancienne Collection d'Homélies
Grecques sur les Psaumes 1-15." Symbolaw Osloenses 25 (1947): 54-73.
Skard, Eiliv. "Bemerkungen zu den
Aesterios-Texten." Symbolae
Osloenses 27 (1949): 54-69.
Richard, Marcel.
"Le Recueil d'Homélies d'Astérius le
Sophiste." Symbolae Osloenses 29 (1952): 24-33.
Richard, Marcel. "Deux Homélies
Inédites du Sophiste Astérius."
Symbolae Osloenses 29 (1952): 93-98.
Kinzig, Wolfram. In
Search of Asterius: Studies on the Authorship of the Homilies on the Psalms. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck
& Ruprecht, 1990.
Kinzig, Wolfram.
"Asterius the Homilist." In Dictionary of Early Christian
Literature. Edited by Siegmar Döpp
and Wilhelm Geerlings, trans. by Matthew O'Connell (New York: Crossroad, 2000):
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